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Hi everyone.
I got myself a copy of the Mind Movies software a few months back and I thought I’d write up my complete review of the software- hopefully it may help you decide whether this is something that may or may not benefit you in your life.
I’m guessing since you want to know more about Mind Movies, it’s because you want something better in your life too.
Whether you know a little or a lot about the software, or you’re wondering about whether mind movies really does work to manifest your dreams into reality…
Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! I’m going to do my best and answer everything you’re probably curious about right now.
After watching the movie, The Secret, I read countless books, attended webinars, purchased programs and subscribed to nearly every Law Of Attraction ‘guru’ to try and get my life to change quickly and effortlessly.
To be honest, not a lot changed at all. I did start to lose hope that this would ever work…
That is, until I bought Mind Movies and used it constantly. Actually, I’m a little surprised at what this Mind Movie concept has done- in such little time too. (I’ll reveal more about that a little later..)
But is it suitable for everyone? Will it work for you? Is it a worthwhile investment? By the end of this review, you should be easily be able to answer all these questions for yourself.
The truth is that it may NOT be a good investment for everyone.
Why Create A Mind Movie?
First things first though. Why create a Mind Movie and what is it supposed to actually do?
By now you have likely heard of or seen the movie “The Secret”. One of the fundamental concepts it talks about is that ‘like attracts like’.
In a nutshell, it means that when you are thinking about anything, you let off a certain level of frequency or vibration to the Universe, and the Universe responds to you by returning the same vibration or frequency back to you.
For example, you know when you are having those ‘bad days’? It’s one of those days where everything you touch seems to go wrong… You try the printer and it stops working, then your internet goes down, your computer freezes, the phone plays up and on and on it goes…
Conversely, the opposite does hold true as well. For example, can you remember a time when you felt unstoppable? You know…when you were running on a natural high?
…A time when everything you put your hand at, just effortlessly worked- from meeting people, to receiving compliments and even personal success in achieving a target you’ve been working on for a while.
Although you may not have consciously been thinking about it, subconsciously you were putting out a certain vibration- and whichever it was, good or bad, you would have had it returned to you.
The Law Of Attraction is claimed to be scientifically proven and, even if the whole concept seems fantasy-like or a little ‘out there’ (let me be honest here, I had a hard time believing it at first), it exists and it does seem to predictably work… even if you try and ignore it.
What that means in terms of applying it, is that the more you are able to get crystal clear about the life, events, possessions and anything else that you want to attract into your life (with the emphasis being on clarity), you can potentially start to magnetically attract and manifest through your subconscious- usually without much effort too.
How Does The Mind Movies Software Help?
It was also revealed in the movie ‘The Secret’ that in order to manifest your deepest desires into reality, you should create a vision board.
If you haven’t heard of a vision board, or you’re wondering about how does a vision board work, it is simply a board where you place images and statements of anything that you specifically want to attract into your life.
For example, you might have pictures of money or perhaps a particular car or house you dream of owning.
Up until more recent times, Vision Boards were normally created on very large pieces of paper or cardboard- so that it could fit lots of images or affirmations that was relevant and important to you.
A Vision Board is an important attribute to anyone closely following anything around the Law of Attraction techniques, or even if you don’t understand or believe in it completely, successful people (including celebrities) have always known of the power it has, to attract whatever it is they desire, to manifest directly into their life.
Celebrities With Vision Boards…
Take for example Katy Perry. When she was just 9 years old, she compiled her first vision board via a school project. Katy had cut out a picture of her then idol Selena back in 1993, when Selena had won a Grammy Award for her vision board.
15 years later, Katy also had a Grammy Award for her #1 Single, “I Kissed A Girl”.
Arnold Schwarzenegger also embraced the power of a Vision Board:
“The mind is really so incredible. Before I won my first Mr. Universe title, I walked around the tournament like I owned it. I had won it so many times in my mind, the title was already mine. Then when I moved on to the movies I used the same technique. I visualized daily being a successful actor and earning big money”
Jim Carrey was another who went from being homeless as a teenager, to utilize the power of Visualization to manifest the exact money he wished for and managed to turn around his life…
Having dropped out of middle school and having no direction in life, no motivation or goals, Jim decided it was time for a massive change to the quality of his life. He said:
“I wrote a $10 million check to myself and gave myself 5 years to receive it”
This was at the time before no one knew him.
Not only did he achieve it, he achieved it so many times that when his Father passed away, he placed just one of those $10 million checks inside his pocket as they laid his Father to rest.
When Obama ran for Presidency some years back now, the former First Lady also created and had success with her Vision Board. She said:
“And I want you to leave here and envision Barack Obama taking the oath of office.’ I created a vision board. I had never had a vision board before. I came home, I got me a board and put Barack Obama’s picture on it. And I put a picture of my dress I want to wear to the inauguration.”
Oprah Winfrey recognized the power of a Vision Board a long time back. In the short video below, Steve Harvey talks to Oprah of the importance and belief in his Vision boards.
Note that both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Steve Harvey spoke of the importance of seeing your vision board like a movie as it brought success.
Whilst a paper Vision Board can be a very powerful tool itself, the ability to feel like it’s already happened in your mind is much easier when facilitated via a moving Vision Board, in the form of movie…
Let’s face it, as human beings we are always playing moving images inside our heads- wouldn’t you agree? Even when reading a book, we automatically start to picture the scene inside our head and it becomes a moving sequence of images- a movie as it will.
As it turns out, moving images are a lot more natural to us- as it can be much easier for our brains to absorb, accept and recall things. It’s just the way we are programmed to respond to.
Perhaps this gives us a clue as to why Youtube is the second-biggest search engine in the world right now!
Mind Movies is a tool that allows you to create a digital version of a vision board, effectively replacing the old traditional paper-based method.
In essence, it’s a piece of software that allows you to put together your own ‘Mind Movie’, consisting of powerful statements, images, subliminal messages, and unlike paper Vision Boards, you can also attach motivational music that is relevant to what you want to manifest in abundance. It’s all categorized so it’s pretty simple to pick.
Currently, it’s the only piece of software available around that can create a Mind Movie in any area of your life. It takes just a few minutes to complete and I guess the other perk is that you have the flexibility to watch it on any screen device you might have.
Did Mind Movies Work For Me?
At the end of the day, the most important bit of information you want to know is- does it work?
When I first picked up my copy of Mind Movies, it took roughly 20 minutes to produce my first movie surrounding wealth/finance. I guess like anything, your first one always takes a whole lot longer as you learn to use something.
I did put together two other movies, one on relationships and the other on a dream home in a particular suburb I’ve always dreamt of. These two movies took me under 10 minutes to create.
But out of the three movies I created, I have to be honest and admit that I only watched the one around wealth/finance in the morning and again at night before bed.
After six weeks of committing to this, I’m pretty excited to say that I’ve had my income double this month. (You can read about my story in more detail here)
First up I want to say though, that the increase didn’t magically ‘fall from the sky’ so to speak- that’s ridiculous! (although for some, their finance mind movies have helped them attract an inheritance or lotto winnings- I’ve heard of a few occurrences already)
What I noticed is that I started seeing some cool opportunities that almost ‘magically’ appeared as I committed a few minutes daily to watching. And most importantly, I acted on them too. Without the action, nothing would have changed. (This is key or nothing will look different.)
These opportunities were ‘low hanging fruit’- meaning that they were simple to execute and so I used them with a really good outcome.
Through the Mind Movie engaging the law of attraction, opportunities that line up with your manifestation goal seem to appear- but note that how it happened for me, could be different for you.
Typically it tends to show up in a form that is relevant to the person requesting it, personalizing the opportunity for their dream goal.
I know this can sound a little ‘out there’ or perhaps a little weird too, and although I honestly cannot explain in detail how it precisely works; I can openly tell you that it just does, based on my own experience anyway.
For faster manifestation results, I found its bigger brother Mind Movies Matrix even faster (although it works a little differently), but the price of this tool is much higher than the software to begin with- and this works within reasonable time anyway.
If you are a still little skeptical about the whole concept (I know I was before I used it and actually saw results for myself), click here, to have a look at other ‘everyday’ people just like you and I, who have also given this manifestation tool a go.
How To Create A Mind Movie Using The Software…
So now you are probably wondering what is involved in creating a Mind Movie using this software.
It’s actually designed to be as simple as possible, and it does take literally just a few mouse clicks to complete your Mind Movie.
When you are ready to begin, you click on the “Create A Video” tab and you’ll see the following screen shot.
This is the main navigation screen that contains a library that holds all the preloaded pictures, affirmations, transitions and music that come with the software.
As you can see from the active ‘Pictures’ tab above, all of the pictures are grouped into various categories depending on what you want to create your Mind Movie for.
You can choose from categories such as business goals, health, attracting the ideal partner, shopping (luxury toys for example), lifestyle, cars and loads more.
You just click on the category that is of relevance to you, go through the pictures, and then simply ‘drag and drop’ them into the timeline below.
It’s up to you how many images you wish to include from each of the categories.
As you go across the tabs at the top of the screen, it’s just a simple task of picking what is relevant to you and just dropping it into the timeline and as you do, you start to add more color to your final Mind Movie output.
Although the software comes with tonnes of preloaded images, affirmations and music, you also have the option to upload your images, music or create personal affirmations if you choose to.
This ensures that your Movie/Vision Board is fully personalized, makes sense, and is specifically relevant to only you.
Once you have completed these steps you can preview your Mind Movie in Step 2.
After seeing it in full, you can edit how long each image stays on for or perhaps change where the affirmation appears on the screen or maybe the color and style of the affirmation needs a tweak.
Everything is customizable in the software- and it is simple to modify and personalize these settings.
Once you have finished, you can save the project and the final stage is to render your new movie.
The final stage, step 4, allows you to produce your movie in a variety of formats, so that you can download and watch it on your computer, iPhone, tablet, or perhaps save it privately to Youtube too.
*Click Here To Get Mind Movies With $1000 FREE Bonuses*
Two New Powerful Features Now Included In Version 4.0
In the more recent update to Mind Movies 4.0, the newest edition features two brand-new powerful inclusions that can speed up the manifestation process dramatically.
First, you can now add subliminal audio with or without another music track of your choice, that will penetrate deep into your subconscious for a more direct and powerful message to communicate and manifest your desire.
The use of subliminal messages to communicate with the subconscious is a technique that has been known and used for decades for faster results, as it passes the protective emotions that are typical of our conscious mind, such as fear, doubt, unbelief, distrust, etc.
Subliminal messaging is actually pretty powerful…
…in fact, you’ll find that even TV commercials and big-budget movies also inject subliminal messages to get through to you, without your conscious mind recognizing, assessing or given any chance of rejecting them either.
And let’s face it, these types of million-dollar budgets for ads and movies certainly would have done their research to know just how powerful these techniques are before investing big dollars in these sneaky tactics.
In fact some Countries (not including the US I believe) have now banned the use of subliminal messaging in movies- perhaps a testament to it’s effectiveness in getting people to do things without them realizing!
If you’re keen to see this in action yourself, check out the following Youtube video. You could be surprised!
So, in terms of the Mind Movies software, it’s a pretty cool feature that you can now add these to your own personal movies to utilize the power of subliminal messaging, just like the guys with the big budgets do.
Second, you also now have the ability to add videos to your movie creation.
Whether it’s a clip you’ve captured that depicts something you heart truly desires, it’s quite simply case of uploading this clip and then drag and dropping into the Mind Movies timeline editor.
But, the cool thing about the video component, is that you can also upload any Youtube video that inspires you also, right into your Mind Movie timeline.
This, combined with the captivating music and other affirmations that you have chosen, makes it quite compelling and quite easy to commit yourself to watching to frequently.
Other Useful Information About The Software…
The Mind Movies application is actually hosted on its own server, meaning that you don’t actually download the software upon payment and don’t need to install it on your computer.
Instead, it is hosted centrally- meaning that you can watch your personal movie by logging into the secure membership area on the website and watching it there.
Don’t worry, all your Mind Movies, personal images, music etc you used in creating your Vision Board, are placed in your own secure space on the website and only someone with your log in details (which you receive upon purchase) will be able to go in and view your movies.
Effectively it means you have more options. As mentioned, you can download your Mind Movies and watch it on your personal devices if you choose or, however, because it’s not software installed on your own computer, it means that as long as you have an internet connection, you will be able to watch your personal mind movie from anywhere, on any computer.
You just need to remember your secure log on details to the Mind Movies website and there is NO excuse for failing to watch and manifest your desire!
Other Options To Creating Mind Movies…
Let me be upfront with you here. There are other ways you can create Mind Movies and I did consider 2 other options that do something similar too. Let me share with you my findings:
- Compile Mind Movie Without Some Video Editing Experience
- Learning Curve
- Time To Create A Mind Movie
- Range Of Movie Outputs For Use With Different Devices
- Ability To Add Powerful Subliminal Audio
- Access Movie Options
- Specialized Law Of Attraction Support
- Additional Costs
- Specific Training For Manifestation
- Easily Add Youtube Or Your Own Videos To Your Mind Movies
- Manifestation Guarantee
- Normal RRP
Option #1
- Medium
- 1 Hour +
- Limited
- Limited- Where You Placed It
- YES- Images And Music
Option #2
- Medium
- 1 Hour +
- Limited- Where You Placed It
- YES- Images And Music
- $59.95
Option #3
- Low
- 5 Minutes
- Anywhere With An Internet Connection
- No
- (60 Day Money Back Guarantee)
- $199.95
*’Free’ video editing software on this chart represents either something you might already have on your computer, or alternatively some video editing software you can source online for free. If you don’t have anything, I have placed a link on that corresponding button where you can download and try a free version.
** Pinnacle Studio chosen as a basic video editing software you could buy without shelling out hundreds of dollars on something that is not required for this particular task.
I was tempted to try the ‘Free’ option to produce my mind movie as I do have some video editing experience, but I ended up deciding against it for a few different reasons…
Natalie Ledwell, (the person behind the Mind Movies software) recommends that for the quickest way to manifest any area of your life, you should create a separate Mind Movie around each different area.
For example, a separate Mind Movie for perhaps your dream car, your new home and maybe the perfect job or income too.
This means for starters, that some of the more general pictures you may want to obtain from the internet legally, to include in your Mind Movie (without just stealing them), is going to cost you a minimum $2-$4 per picture with someone like
If you use say 4 to 5 images per Mind Movie, and then create perhaps 3 or 4 different Mind Movies, the cost would start to add up quickly.
Additionally, as you get on with life, your situation might change and therefore you goals and dreams may shift.
As they do, you will need to change your mind movie to reflect your new dream and again, you have to spend more on getting new images that reflect your new vision/dream.
Now even if you were to just download pictures without paying for it (which off course is not a good idea), and if you want anything remotely decent in your movie production with traditional video editing software, it’s going to take some time and patience to get produce something decent.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about a ‘Spielberg’ production or anything, but something decent enough that motivates and compels you to keep watching it constantly.
You also need to know how to precisely craft it so that it properly engages the law of attraction, otherwise all your effort and time could be futile.
But, the major reason that led me to invest in this solution instead, was the fact that you are getting dedicated software designed specifically for one purpose.
It also is supported by genuine people who want to ensure you do things correctly to quickly engage the law of attraction.
I’ve been in contact with the support area a couple of times, to clarify a few questions surrounding the creation of my mind movie and I found them out to be really friendly, dedicated and quite quick to respond each time I’ve contacted them.
The tipping point for me was when I also found out that either the software helps you manifest your dream, or you have a full 60 days to ask for your money back.
I thought it couldn’t be fairer than that and to be honest, made it a ‘no brainer’ decision for me.
Pluses And Minuses Of The Mind Movies Software
Like any software or tool, there are always good and no so good points about them. So, let me list these out for you.
- Simplicity And Speed– The Mind Movies software is really simple to use. Unlike any alternative video editing software where you need to usually spend quite a bit of time in the editing phase, cutting, pasting, joining, smoothing, trimming and so forth, this software allows you to push out personalized high-quality movies in under 5 minutes. Just drag, drop and click on produce.
- Contained Resources– The software contained detailed libraries that are full of useful images, affirmations and music and everything you need to compile a mind movie on any area of your life. There is no further spending required on anything else. It also allows you the flexibility and ability to add your own resources where necessary.
- Support To Ensure Correct Application– The team behind Mind Movies have been supportive, friendly and dedicated to offer direction and assistance. In my opinion, this assistance is invaluable to give yourself the best possibility of applying the law correctly and manifesting things quicker.
- Ability to Shift As Life Shifts- Let’s face it… life changes and evolves and so our goals can change accordingly. Traditionally with a physical vision board, it meant that you have to restart the whole thing again or start getting creative in pasting on top of old images or affirmations. It can get messy. This software allows you to easily edit your current mind movies to change to something that more applicable to your new circumstance or just create a brand new one in just a few minutes.
- Incorporate Music- A digital vision board allows the incorporation of uplifting personalized music, which can speed up the ability of the subconscious to increase vibration and manifest your vision. No matter how hard you try, adding music to a paper/old style vision board is not possible!
- Access- No matter where you are in the world, nor what personal device you are carrying or not carrying, you will always have access to your Mind Movie if at the very least, you have access to an internet connection. It also beats carrying around (er, like who would anyway…) a paper vision board with you.
- Money Back Guarantee- Either your Mind Movie engages the law of attraction to start creating opportunities that will lead you to manifest your particular dream, or you get your money back! There’s a full 60-day money-back guarantee.
- If you have a fair bit of spare time, skill and motivation, you could potentially compile a Mind Movie using free video editing software (Minus the library of images, affirmations and positive energy music) or perhaps some alternative video editing software that you can source cheaper.
- I suppose when comparing a traditional paper based Vision Board, you can’t put a digital vision board up on a wall to physically see.
My Verdict…
Mind Movies is a once off purchase that comes with free lifetime updates of the software and has dedicated support.
It’s a simple to use software that contains the complete library of resources that you will require to quickly and easily compile different Mind Movies for various areas of your life.
To ensure that you can personalize it properly, you do have full freedom to import your own pictures, words, songs etc to increase the effectiveness of communicating with your own subconscious mind.
The flexibility to download your movie into different formats, and also being able to watch it privately online means that you never can complain about not having access to your movie.
But, one thing to remember is that to ensure that the Mind Movies work for you, you are required to watch it at least daily.
Yes, you will require 2-3 minutes a day to watch your movie to condition your subconscious and watch the manifestation start to occur as interesting opportunities start to open up.
Just creating a Mind Movie though will not magically start engaging the Law Of Attraction usually! You must watch it too or let’s be honest- nothing will happen if you don’t.
Whether you are looking at manifesting abundance, or attracting a particular someone into your life, or restoring as aspect of your health, or owning and driving your dream car, you will require the proper tool and the Mind Movies software promises to deliver that to you.
And yes- this is the one tool that I’ve personally seen results in my own life too.
Besides the software itself, you will find the guys at Mind Movies genuinely want to journey with you, giving you direction, assistance and lead you onto the fast track to success- so from my experience, it’s a little more than just a piece of software… It’s the full deal to life’s next chapter.
The team are so confident that this law of attraction dedicated piece of software will work for you, that it comes with a full 60-day money-back guarantee (no hassle, no questions asked) to try it out for yourself.
Now that you’re ready to create your abundant life and take things to a completely new level, create your mind movie today and commit just a few minutes morning and night and be amazed at how the Universe will be finally delivering to you, what you heart desires most.
Your new future can start today if you decide you’re ready…Mine has.
P.S- If you click any of the links on this page and see this software for the $197 retail price, it means that you have missed out on the special price and free bonus package. If you can wait, I’d advise holding off buying until then.
It might come on special again- you will have to be patient. In the past, I’ve noticed the special price repeat- although sometimes that’s taken up to 6 months to return.