Hi all, I’m Mark Wilson and thanks for stopping by.
Since watching the movie “The Secret”, I became interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction because to be honest, I was quite skeptical.
I went to the library and got hold of a few books, did more investigation online and did more digging around some of the ‘guru’s’ featured in the movie such as Dr Joe Vitale for example.
I signed up to all of their newsletters and learnt some really interesting stuff over the years. I listened to meditation sessions, hypnosis and tried all sorts of solutions they offered- and sometimes I’d start to see positive stuff happening in my life.
But, unfortunately for me it was never consistent. Things would start to change- and then stop again.
Maybe my application wasn’t correct- I’m not sure.
Over the last 4 years, whenever I get a little bit of spare time, I’ve tried my hand at setting up an successful ecommerce store- it’s been a big dream of mine for a few years now.
To me, that would allow the flexibility of not only being open for trade all the time, but more importantly, give me more opportunities to spend quality times with family and friends.
After all, time is really one aspect which you can never replace.
During those years, I undertook loads of different courses that teach you how to do this and being such a dynamic environment, made numerous changes over the years to ensure that my store was compliant with all the up to date rules, strategies and so forth.
And whilst my success was ok, it was not what I envisioned it to be.
Through one of the guru’s email lists that I was on, I came across Natalie Ledwell- the person behind Mind Movies.
When I watched her video and she explained quite simply how to successfully engage the law of attraction, it finally made to me sense why I couldn’t get it to work for constantly.
Mind Movies appeared to be the missing link to my manifestation puzzle.
And, since Natalie was willing to put herself on the line with a full money back guarantee, I thought “Heck, what have I got to lose- this all makes sense”.
After buying Mind Movies, they show you how to use the software and I was up and running within a few minutes.
I created three movies in different areas of my life, but to be honest, I only committed to watching the one around creating a successful business.
I committed to watching that movie (it runs for about 3 minutes) both morning and evening and during that time, I started noticing more and more opportunities appearing, which I took action on.
About 6 weeks later, I was randomly checking my sales from my online store and my business had actually doubled.
To be honest, I couldn’t believe it and had to double check that I was logged into the right account! It actually had.
So yes- Mind Movies does work! BUT…
There are two things you MUST do to ensure it works.
- You do have to commit to watching it. I know that sounds obvious, but if you don’t (like I didn’t commit to the other two being lazy), nothing will change for you.
- As you watch, you will likely see opportunities come your way that are in line with your manifestation dream. They are obvious! It’s important to follow these..
The Law Of Attraction ensures that progression to your manifestation destiny comes easily- just follow those two points above and there is no reason why it won’t work for you too.
May you have abundant Blessings,